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. 2018 Apr 2;10:1179543318767915. doi: 10.1177/1179543318767915

Table 4.

Effects of different photoperiod regimens on percentage emergence of adult Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito.

Photoperiodic levels (light:dark hours) Percentage emergence
Male Female
0:24 31.34 ± 9.10aA 68.66 ± 9.10bB
6:18 34.25 ± 10.03abA 65.75 ± 10.03abB
12:12 38.56 ± 9.47abA 61.44 ± 9.47abB
Control (13:11) 32.27 ± 7.73aA 67.73 ± 7.73bB
18:6 43.25 ± 9.53abA 56.75 ± 9.53abB
24:0 38.92 ± 12.33abA 61.08 ± 12.33abB

Within a line, means (±SD) followed by same capital letter are not significantly different at P < .05 according to Student t test analysis. Within a column, means (±SD) followed by same capital letter are not significantly different at P < .05 according to Duncan multiple range test following analysis of variance.