Fig 6. Hydrosalpinx is more commonly detected in TLR3-/-mice.
A-B) Representative genital tracts removed from groups of wild-type mice (left) and TLR3-/- mice (right) at day 56 of infection. Grossly, uterine horns were regionally or diffusely dilated in a subset of WT and TLR3-/- mice. Oviducts and ovarian bursa were mildly to severely dilated (hydrosalpinx/ hydrobursitis) in subset of animals. C-D) Evaluation of uterine horns from WT and TLR3-/- mice showed similar inflammatory changes characterized by small numbers of lymphocytic infiltration of the endometrial stroma with occasional neutrophils scattered throughout the uterine horn lumina. Uterine horns were partially filled with proteinaceous fluid with focal to multifocal endometrial cystic dilatation of glands that in some cases compressed and effaced the normal uterine wall architecture. E-F) Oviducts and ovarian bursa showed similarly mild inflammatory cell infiltrates in the oviducts, but significantly higher frequency and severity of hydrosalpinx in oviducts of TLR3-/- mice (25x magnification, asterisks = hydrosalpinx). G) The extent of histopathological changes of both uterine horns and oviducts were scored as described in Materials and Methods. These results were representative of 12 mice per group from three independent experiments. Differences between groups for each parameter were determined by two-tailed Mann-Whitney test (* = p < 0.05). Only significant results are displayed in graphs.