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. 2018 Apr 6;155:19. doi: 10.1186/s41065-018-0057-5

Table 3.

Results of D test

popW popA popY popZ D value Z score
CHB YRI JPT KOR −0.0055 −5.061
CHS YRI JPT KOR −0.0054 −4.865
JPT YRI CHB CHS 0.0014 1.515
KOR YRI CHB CHS 0.0016 1.649
CHB CEU JPT KOR −0.0062 −6.748
CHS CEU JPT KOR −0.0060 −6.596
JPT CEU CHB CHS −0.0005 −0.595
KOR CEU CHB CHS −0.0004 −0.446

Note: Population A (popA) is outgroup, population W (popW) is a reference population, population Y (popY) and population Z (popZ) are two potential target populations. If D value is significantly positive, it suggests that the gene flow between population W and population Y was greater than that between population W and population Z. On the contrary, if D value is significantly negative, it means the gene flow between population W and population Y was smaller than that between population W and population Z. If D value is not significantly positive or negative, it suggests that the gene flow between population W and population Y are equal to that between population W and population Z, or there is no gene flow between population W and population Y or between population W and population Z