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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Jun 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Psychiatr Res. 2018 Feb 13;101:80–103. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2018.02.002

Table 2.

Studies using fMRI and Reward Tasks.

Study Characteristics Early Stress Exposure Characteristics Reward Task Characteristics Results in ELS Group

Neural response findings
Other findings
Study N
Gender Mean
Diagnosis or
Nature of
Method to
Task Object
Striatum* mPFC Amygdala Other Areas and
Baranger, 2016 665 (-) Both 19.6 7.8% met DSM-IV criteria for Axis I disorder, including alcohol use disorder Abuse and neglect <17 years CTQ Delivery Reward-guessing task Monetary ↑ ventral striatal reactivity to reward-related stimuli, NS after controlling for confounders PER1 rs3027172 genotype interacted with ELS to predict both problematic drinking.
Birn, 2017 42 (23) Both 20.5 NR “Severe negative life events and circum-stances” < 11 years YLSI Anticipation and delivery MID Monetary ↓posterior cingulate, middle temporal gyrus, lingual gyrus, right middle frontal gyrus and cerebellum in anticipation, but not delivery of reward vs no-reward On separate gambling task, high childhood stress correlated with decreased latency to place bets, the choice of low probability targets, and failure to adjust behavior to feedback.
Boecker, 2014 162 (-) Both 24.4 Lifetime ADHD symptoms Early family adversity (low educational level, overcrowd-ing, parental psychiatric disorder, etc.) 3 months Parent interview Anticipation and delivery MID Monetary or verbal feedback ↓ during anticipation

↑during delivery of verbal, but not monetary, reward
↓ putamen, pallidum, left thalamus, left insula, left ACC and right anterior hippocampus during anticipation;
↑ bilateral insula, right pallidum and bilateral putamen during delivery of verbal, but not monetary, reward
↑ reaction time.
No effect on number of win trials.
↓ contingent negative variation on EEG.
Boecker-Schlier, 2016 168 (-) Both 24.5 None meeting DSM criteria Childhood family adversity
(low educational level, overcrowd-ing, parental psychiatric disorder, etc.)
<11 years Parent interview Anticipation and delivery MID Monetary and verbal ↓left ventral striatum during anticipation,
↑right ventral striatum during delivery in COMT Met homozygotes
↓ACC and left medial frontal gyrus during anticipation,
↑ACC during delivery in COMT Met homozygotes
↓EEG contingent negative variation signal during anticipation. No significant effect of adversity on reaction time.
Casement, 2014 120 (-) Female 16 2.5% major depression Social stressors (low parental warmth, peer victimiza-tion) 11–12 years PCRS and PES Anticipation Reward-guessing task Monetary ↑ for low parental warm ↑ for low parental warm

↓ for higher peer victimization
↑ for low parental warm = OFC Stress-related neural response to potential rewards correlated with depressive symptoms.
Casement, 2015 157 (-) Male 20 NR Cumulative stressful life events 15–18 years LEQ and IPSI Anticipation and delivery Reward-guessing task Monetary ↓ for anticipation and delivery ↑ cumulative stressful life events associated with more problematic alcohol use. mPFC response mediated association between stressful life events and later symptoms of alcohol dependence.
Dennison, 2016 59 (21) Both 17 14% of maltreated sample met criteria for MDD Abuse and neglect <17 years CTQ and CECA Response to positive and neutral stimuli Viewing social images Socio-affective cues ↑left NAcc, and left putamen for positive relative to neutral stimuli Higher levels of reward response in left putamen associated with decreased depression in maltreated youth.
Dillon, 2009 44 (13) Both 24.6 77% of ELS group met DSM-IV criteria for an Axis I disorder at some time Abuse ≤13 years AAI, TSS, CTS and protective services records Anticipation MID Monetary ↓ left globus pallidus ↑ symptoms of anhedonia and depression.
Rated reward cues less positively.
↑ reaction time.
↑ putamen volumes.
Goff, 2013 69 (38) Both 9.9 33% in ELS group with clinically significant externalizing/internalizing symptoms Previously institutional-ized < 2 years - Viewing happy faces
Emotional faces task Socio-affective cues ↓ NAcc ↑ depression.
Atypical NAcc development.
Ventral striatum activation to happy faces negatively correlated with depression scores in ELS individuals.
Hanson, 2015 106 (-) Both 13.8 Free of all psychopath-ology, except for anxiety disorders, at baseline Emotional neglect < 15 years CTQ Delivery Reward-guessing task Monetary ↓ to positive feedback

= to negative feedback
↓ in this reward-related ventral striatum activity associated with ↑ symptomatology and partially mediated association between emotional neglect and subsequent depression.
Hanson, 2016 72 (-) Male 26.3 High risk for long-term antisocial behavior Parental loss, medical problems, other major life stressors <Grade 12 Life Changes measure Delivery Card-guessing task Monetary ↓ response to reward

↓ response to positive feedback

= for negative feedback
Effect significant for stress during early, but not later, childhood. No association between ventral striatum activity and adult internalizing or externalizing symptoms.
Holz, 2017 171(-) Both 25 Conduct Disorder Childhood family adversity (low educational level, overcrowd-ing, parental psychiatric disorder, etc.) <11 years Parent interview Anticipation MID Monetary and verbal ↓ventral striatum and dorsal striatum during anticipation Conduct disorder partially mediated effects of adversity on brain activity. Negative relationship between reward dependence and adversity.
Mehta, 2010 23 (12) Both 16 “Quasi-autism,” hyper-activity, cognitive impairment, disinhibited attachment Romanian adoptees – previously institutional-ized < 2 years - Anticipation MID Monetary = ↓ Caudate nucleus
= Insula and thalamus
Adoptees did not recruit striatum during reward anticipation despite comparable performance accuracy and latency.
Accuracy on MID task did not differ.
Morgan, 2014 120 (-) Male 20 13% MDD or dysthymia, 14% history of substance dependence, 8% history of ASPD Low maternal warmth and maternal depression < 2 years Observation during mother–child interactions and SCID with mothers Anticipation and delivery Reward-guessing task Monetary ↑ for anticipation ↑ for anticipation
Takiguchi, 2015 36 (16) Both 12.6 RAD Abuse and neglect < 12 years CATS Gambling task Monetary ↓NAcc and caudate Earlier age of stress better predictor of decreased activity.
Negative correlations between bilateral striatal activity and avoidant attachment.
↓ reaction time.

Notes: AAI, Adult Attachment Interview; ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; ADHD, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; ASPD, antisocial personality disorder; CATS, Child Abuse and Trauma Scale; CS, conditioned stimulus; COMT, catechol-o-methyltransferase; CTQ, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire; CTS, Conflict Tactics Scale; DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; ELS, early life stress; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging; IPSI, Interpersonal Problem Situations Inventory for Urban Adolescents; LEQ, Life Event Questionnaire for Adolescents; MDD, major depressive disorder; met, methionine; MID, monetary incentive delay; mPFC, medial prefrontal cortex; NAcc, nucleus accumbens; NR, not reported; NS, not significant; PCRS, Parent-Child Rating Scale; PES, Peer Experiences Scale; RAD, reactive attachment disorder; SCID, Structured Clinical Interview for DSM; TSS, Traumatic Stress Schedule; YLSI, Youth Life Stress Interview.


, Neural response findings included under striatum whenever subregions or whole striatum was activated

↑, higher relative to non-exposed subjects

=, same as non-exposed subjects

↓, lower relative to non-exposed subjects