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. 2017 Dec 16;48(5):1117–1149. doi: 10.1007/s40279-017-0835-7

Table 3.

Outcomes of the studies. Percentage changes, effect size (ES) and p value only reported for statistically significant group results or ES > 0.2. All results presented are for the intervention (I) group unless stated (e.g., C = control). Variables measured where no-significance (NS) difference for time (pre- vs. post-score) and no group × time (G × T) interaction was detected, are also listed

Study Main strength outcomes Economy V˙O2max/V˙O2peak vV˙O2max Blood lactate Time trial Anaerobic measures Body composition
Albracht and Arampatzis [84] Plantarflexion MVC (6.7%, ES = 0.56, p = 0.004), max Achilles tendon force (7.0%, ES = 0.55, p < 0.01), Tendon stiffness (15.8%, ES = 0.90, p < 0.001) V˙O2@10.8 km h−1 (5.0%, ES = 0.79)
@12.6 km h−1 (3.4%, ES = 0.51)
EC@10.8 km h−1 (4.6%, ES = 0.61)
@12.6 km h−1 (3.5%, ES = 0.50), all p < 0.05
BL@10.8 and 12.6 km h−1, NS Body mass, NS
Beattie et al. [33] 1RM back squat (wk 0–20: 19.3%, ES = 1.2, p = 0.001)
DJRSI (wk 0–20: 7.3%, ES = 0.3, NS G × T; wk 0–40: 14.6%, ES = 0.5, NS G × T)
CMJ (wk 0–20: 11.5%, ES = 0.5, NS G × T; wk 0–40: 11.5%, ES = 0.6, NS G × T)
Ave. of 5 speeds
Wk 0–20: 5.0%, ES = 1.0, p = 0.01.
Wk 0–40: 3.5%, ES = 0.6, NS.
Wk 0–20: 0.1%, ES = 0.1, p = 0.013.
Wk 0-40, I: 7.4%, ES = 0.5, p = 0.003, C: 2.8%, ES = 0.6, NS
Wk 0-20: 3.5%, ES = 0.7, NS.
Wk 0-40: 4.0%, ES = 0.9, NS
v2 mmol L−1, v4 mmol L−1, NS Body mass, fat and lean muscle, NS
Berryman et al. [80] PPO (ERT: 15.4%, ES = 0.98, p < 0.01; PT: 3.4%, ES = 0.24, p < 0.01).
CMJ (ERT: 4.5%, ES = 0.25, p < 0.01; PT: 6.0%, ES = 0.52, p < 0.01)
@12 km h−1
ERT: 4%, ES = 0.62, p < 0.01.
PT: 7%, ES = 1.01, p < 0.01
NS ERT: 4.2%, ES = 0.43, p < 0.01.
PT: 4.2%, ES = 0.49, p < 0.01
3 km TT
ERT: 4.1%, ES = 0.37.
PT: 4.8%, ES = 0.46.
C: 3.0%, ES = 0.20; all p < 0.05, G × T NS
Body mass, NS
Bertuzzi et al. [85] 1RM half squat (RT: 17%, p ≤ 0.05; RTWBV: 18%, p ≤ 0.05) NS NS
Bonacci et al. [83] @12 km h−1 (after 45 min AIT cycle) NS Body mass, skinfolds, thigh and calf girth, NS
Damasceno et al. [89] 1RM half–squat (23%, ES = 1.41, p < 0.05), DJRSI, wingate test NS @12 km h−1 NS NS vV˙O2max (2.9%, ES = 0.42, p < 0.05) 10 km TT (2.5%, p = 0.039), increased speed in final 7 laps (p < 0.05) 30 s Wingate test, NS Body mass and skinfold, NS
Ferrauti et al. [81] Leg extension MVC (33.9%, ES = 1.65, p < 0.001); leg flexion MVC (9.4%, ES = 0.38, NS) @LT (ES = 0.40, p < 0.05, NS G × T)
@8.6 and 10.1 km h−1, NS
FU@10.1 km h−1 (ES = 0.61, p = 0.05 G × T)
5.6%, ES = 0.40, NS G × T BL@10.1 km h−1 (I: 13.1%, C: 12.1%, NS G × T).
v4 mmol L−1 (I: 4.2%, C: 2.6%, NS G × T).
Body mass, NS
Fletcher et al. [82] Isometric MVC (I: 21.6%, C: 13.4%), NS G × T EC@75,85,95% sLT, NS BL@ 75,85,95% sLT, NS.
Giovanelli et al. [36] SJ PPO, NS
k leg@10 km h−1, (9.5%, ES = 0.33, p = 0.034), @12 km h−1 (10.1%, ES = 0.33, p = 0.038).
k vert @8,10,12,14 km h−1, NS
@8 km h−1 (6.5%, ES = 0.43, p = 0.005), @10 km h−1 (3.5%, ES = 0.48, p = 0.032), @12 km h−1 (4.0%, ES = 0.34, p = 0.020), @14 km h−1 (3.2%, ES = 0.35, p = 0.022),
NS NS Body mass, FFM, fat mass, NS
Johnston et al. [72] 1RM squat (40%, p < 0.05), knee flexion (27%, p < 0.05) @12.8 km h−1 (4.1%, ES = 1.76, p < 0.05),
@13.8 km h−1 (3.8%, ES = 1.61, p < 0.05)
NS Body mass, fat mass, FFM, limb girth, NS
Karsten et al. [31] NS NS 5 km TT (3.5%, ES = 1.06, p = 0.002) ARD, NS
Mikkola et al. [78] MVC (8%), 1RM (4%), RFD (31%) on leg press; all p < 0.05.
CMJ and 5–bounds, NS
@14 km h−1 (2.7%, ES = 0.32, p < 0.05), @10,12,13 km h−1, NS NS NS BL@12 km h−1 (12%, p < 0.05), @14 km h−1 (11%, p < 0.05) vMART (3.0%, p < 0.01), v30 m sprint (1.1%, p < 0.01) Body mass (2%, ES = 0.32, p < 0.01). Thickness of QF (I: 3.9%, ES = 0.35, p < 0.01; C: 1.9%, ES = 0.10, p < 0.05); fat  %, lean mass, NS
Millet et al. [74] 1RM half–squat (25%, p < 0.01), 1RM heel raise (17%, p < 0.01), hop height (3.3%, p < 0.05)
k leg@3 km pace (ES = 1.2, p < 0.05)
GCT, hop stiffness, NS
@75% vV˙O2max (7.4%, ES = 1.14, p < 0.05)
@ ~ 92% V˙O2max (5.9%, ES = 1.15, p < 0.05)
NS 2.6%, ES = 0.57, p < 0.01, NS G × T Body mass, NS
Paavolainen et al. [73] MVC knee extension (7.1%, p < 0.01), 5BJ (4.6%, p < 0.01) @15 km h−1 (8.1%, ES = 3.22, p < 0.001)
@13.2 km h−1, NS
C: (4.9%, p < 0.05) V˙O2max demand (3.7%, p < 0.05, NS G × T) 5 km TT (3.1%, p < 0.05) v20 m (3.4%, ES = 0.77, p < 0.01) vMART (ES = 1.98, p < 0.001) Body mass, fat  %, calf and thigh girth, NS
Pellegrino et al. [91] CMJ (5.2%, p = 0.045, NS G × T) @10.6 km h−1 (1.3%, p < 0.05 group) NS G × T @7.7, 9.2, 12.1, 13.5, 15.0, 16.4 km h−1, NS. 5.2%, ES = 0.49, p = 0.03, NS G × T sLT, NS 3 km TT (2.6%, ES = 0.20, p = 0.04)
Piacentini et al. [86] 1RM leg press (HRT: 17%, ES = 0.69, p < 0.05), CMJ (C: 7%, ES = 0.63, p < 0.05), SJ (C: 13%, ES = 0.83, p < 0.01), Stiffness (RT: 13%, ES = 0.64, p < 0.05) @10.75 km h−1/marathon pace (HRT: 6.2%, p < 0.05). @9.75,11.75 km h−1, NS Body mass, fat mass, FFM, RMR, NS
Ramírez-Campillo et al. [87] CMJ (8.9%, ES = 0.51, p < 0.01), DJ @20 cm (12.7%, ES = 0.43, p < 0.01), DJ @40 cm (16.7%, ES = 0.6, p < 0.05) 2.4 km TT (3.9%, ES = 0.4, p < 0.05) 20 m sprint (2.3%, ES = 0.3, p < 0.01) Body mass, NS
Saunders et al. [77] SJ RFD and peak force, NS.
@18 km h−1 (4.1%, ES = 0.35, p < 0.05)
@14,16 km h−1, NS
NS BL @14,16,18 km h−1, NS Body mass, NS
Schumann et al. [90, 92] 1RM leg press (I: NS, C: –4.7%, p = 0.011), MVC leg flexion (–9.7%, p = 0.031, ES = 0.96, NS G × T), MVC leg press NS, MVC knee ext. NS, CMJ NS BL during 6 × 1 km (I: NS, C:, 21%, NS G × T)
v4 mmol L−1 (I: 6%, C: 8%, NS G × T).
1 km TT after 5x 1 km, 60 s rec. (I: 9%, C: 13%, NS G × T) Body mass, NS;
CSA vastus lateralis (group diff. I: 7%, C: -6%, NS G × T);
Total and leg lean mass (I: 2%, NS G × T)
Skovgaard et al. [88] 1RM squat (wk 4: 3.8%, wk 8: 12%, p < 0.001); 1RM leg press (wk 4: 8%, p < 0.05; wk 8: 18%, p < 0.001), 5RM deadlift (wk 4: 14%, wk8: 22%, p < 0.001) @12 km h−1 (wk 8: 3.1%, ES = 1.53, p < 0.01) NS 10 km TT (wk 4: 3.8%, ES = 1.50, p < 0.05)
1500 m TT (wk 8: 5.5%, ES = 0.67, p < 0.001)
Body mass, NS
Spurrs et al. [75] MTS @75% MVC (left: 14.9%, right: 10.9%, p < 0.05), Calf MVC (left: 11.4%, right: 13.6%, p < 0.05).
@12 km h−1 (6.7%, ES = 0.45), 14 km h−1 (6.4%, ES = 0.45), 16 km h−1 (4.1%, ES = 0.30), all p < 0.01 NS 3 km TT (2.7%, ES = 0.13, p < 0.05, NS G × T) Body mass, NS
Støren et al. [79] 1RM (33.2%, p < 0.01) and RFD (26%, p < 0.01) half–squat @70% V˙O2max (5%, ES = 1.03, p < 0.01) NS sLT, LT  %V˙O2max, NS Body mass, NS
Turner et al. [76] CMJ and SJ, NS Ave. of 3 speeds: M = 9.6, 11.3, 12.9, F = 8.0, 9.6, 11.3 km h−1 (2–3%, p ≤ 0.05)
@9.6 km h−1, NS
Vikmoen et al. [32, 38] 1RM half–squat (45%, ES = 2.4, p < 0.01), SJ (8.9%, ES = 0.83, p < 0.05), CMJ (5.9%, ES = 0.65, p < 0.05) @10 km h−1, NS NS NS v3.5 mmol L−1, NS 5 min TT (4.7%, ES = 0.95, p < 0.05).
40 min TT, NS
I: Leg mass (3.1%, ES = 1.69, p=p < 0.05), body mass, NS
C: Leg mass (-2.2%), body mass decrease (-1.2%, p < 0.05)

ARD anaerobic running distance, BJ broad jump, BL blood lactate, CMJ counter-movement jump, C control group, DJ drop jump, DJ RSI drop jump reactive strength index, EC energy cost, EMG electromyography, ERT explosive resistance training, FFM fat-free mass, FU fractional utilization, GCT ground contact time, GRF ground reaction force, HR heart rate, HRT heavy resistance training, I intervention group, kleg leg stiffness, kvert vertical stiffness, (s)LT (speed at) lactate threshold, MAS maximal aerobic speed, MTS musculotendinous stiffness, MVC maximum voluntary contraction, PPO peak power output, PT plyometric training, QF quadriceps femoris, RCP respiratory compensation point (V E/VCO2), RFD rate of force development, RM repetition maximum, RMR resting metabolic rate, RT resistance training, RT WBV resistance training with whole body vibration, SJ squat jump, TT time trial, TTE time to exhaustion, v velocity, vMART velocity during maximal anaerobic running test, V˙O2 oxygen uptake, V˙O2max/V˙O2peak highest oxygen uptake associated with a maximal aerobic exercise test, v V˙O2max velocity associated with V˙O2max, wk week