Deep-water overturning circulation in the North Atlantic during modern interglacial, glacial, and Heinrich-event scenarios. Typical overturning patterns are shown in left panel, and corresponding map-view circulation patterns are sketched in the middle panel. Circles with bent arrows show areas of deep-water formation. Modified from Seidov and Maslin (1999). Semi-transparent white areas show previous LGM reconstructions of the Eurasian Ice Sheet and white curved arrows show major LGM palaeo-ice streams that drained the ice sheet (e.g., Bigg et al., 2012). In the bottom panel: tentative timeframe for the potential NwAC reductions in the Norwegian Sea inferred from the analysis of ploughmark trajectories and the global δ18O isotope curve as an ice volume proxy (from Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005).