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. 2018 Mar 23;14(3):e1005897. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005897

Table 1. List of actions available to the ffeatools script.

ffeatools action brief description
pdbtoemmap Calculate an pseudo-electron density map from atomic coordinates in PDB format
emmaptosurf Extract a surface profile (.obj or .stl) file from an electron density map
surftocgsurf Coarsen a surface profile whilst preserving the enclosed volume
tettonet Convert TETGEN mesh files into NETGEN .vol files to be processed by FFEA
voltoffea Process the volume mesh file and input material parameters into FFEA input files
split Split a trajectory into a number of parts
thin Select every n snapshots out of a trajectory
nodesFromTraj Creates a set of .node (equilibrium) files from a trajectory snapshot
makestructuremap Map elements into atoms (.map file)
maptraj Calculate a pseudo atomistic trajectory given a .map file and an FFEA trajectory
pyPCAbuild Convert the FFEA trajectory into a PDB format, allowing it to interface with the pyPcazip package
pyPCAeigen Extract the PCA eigensystem of an FFEA trajectory
pyPCAanim Build animations of the PCA eigenvectors
pyPCAproj Calculate a PCA projection trace for a given eigenmode