pdbtoemmap |
Calculate an pseudo-electron density map from atomic coordinates in PDB format |
emmaptosurf |
Extract a surface profile (.obj or .stl) file from an electron density map |
surftocgsurf |
Coarsen a surface profile whilst preserving the enclosed volume |
tettonet |
Convert TETGEN mesh files into NETGEN .vol files to be processed by FFEA |
voltoffea |
Process the volume mesh file and input material parameters into FFEA input files |
split |
Split a trajectory into a number of parts |
thin |
Select every n snapshots out of a trajectory |
nodesFromTraj |
Creates a set of .node (equilibrium) files from a trajectory snapshot |
makestructuremap |
Map elements into atoms (.map file) |
maptraj |
Calculate a pseudo atomistic trajectory given a .map file and an FFEA trajectory |
pyPCAbuild |
Convert the FFEA trajectory into a PDB format, allowing it to interface with the pyPcazip package |
pyPCAeigen |
Extract the PCA eigensystem of an FFEA trajectory |
pyPCAanim |
Build animations of the PCA eigenvectors |
pyPCAproj |
Calculate a PCA projection trace for a given eigenmode |