Fig 5. Statistically overrepresented GO terms from the cellular component hierarchy associated with At-α duplication status and parental subgenome of origin (see Methods).
On the y axis is the ln(fold-enrichment) of each GO terms among the single copy genes relative to the surviving duplicates from At-α. Dots represent cellular component terms that are significantly over (positive values) or underrepresented (negative values) among single copy genes relative to duplicates (Bonferroni corrected P-value ≤ 0.01 and a fold-enrichment of > ± 1.5). On the x axis is the ln(fold-enrichment) of GO terms of genes from subgenome 1 (the less fractionated genome) relative to those from subgenome 2 (the more fractionated one). GO terms that are overrepresented in genes from subgenome 1 with a P-value ≤ 0.05 after Bonferroni correction are shown as triangles. Points are colored based on the compartment in question, as indicated in the key at right. The patterns seen for the “Molecular Function” and “Biological Process” categories of terms are presented in S3 Fig.