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. 2018 Mar 26;20(3):e102. doi: 10.2196/jmir.9552

Table 2.

Health care costs. All costs in euros. HCS: health care system; IQR: interquartile range; RIZIV: National Institution for Insurance of Disease and Disability.

Cost variable Study group Cost savings in Euros in remote monitoring group, n (%) P value (2-tailed)

Remote monitoring (n=43) Conventional care (n=97)

Mean (SD) Median (IQR) Mean (SD) Median (IQR)

Prenatal follow-up

Prenatal visits

HCS 184.26 (79.10) 205.80 (144.06-226.38) 183.31 (71.79) 185.22 (144.06-226.38) –0.95 (–0.52) .71

RIZIV 110.58 (47.83) 123.50 (86.45-135.85) 110.00 (43.08) 111.15 (86.45-135.85) –0.58 (–0.52) .71

Patients 73.69 (31.87) 82.30 (57.61-90.53) 73.31 (28.71) 74.07 (57.61-90.53) –0.38 (–0.52) .71


HCS 89.66 (58.61) 79.77 (79.77-106.36) 96.49 (57.23) 79.77 (79.77-106.36) 6.83 (7.08) .96

RIZIV 81.30 (53.14) 72.33 (72.33-96.44) 87.49 (51.89) 72.33 (72.33-96.44) 6.19 (7.08) .96

Patients 8.36 (5.47) 7.44 (7.44-9.92) 9.00 (5.34) 7.44 (7.44-9.92) 0.64 (7.08) .96


HCS 127.58 (130.45) 124.68 (0.00-187.02) 93.19 (105.37) 62.34 (0.00-124.68) –34.39 (–36.90) .15

RIZIV 63.79 (65.22) 62.34 (0.00-93.1) 46.59 (52.68) 31.17 (0.00-62.34) –17.20 (–36.90) .15

Patients 63.79 (65.22) 62.34 (0.00-93.51) 46.59 (52.68) 31.17 (31.17-62.34) –17.20 (-36.90) .15
Prenatal admission

Laboratory test results

HCS 25.07 (55.34) 0.00 (0.00-19.58) 38.28 (44.08) 27.86 (5.13-56.74) 13.21 (34.51) <.001

RIZIV 21.09 (27.94) 0.00 (0.00-19.07) 36.19 (41.36) 25.74 (5.13-50.53) 15.10 (41.72) <.001

Patients 3.98 (14.06) 0.00 (0.00-0.00) 2.09 (8.78) 0.00 (0.00-0.00) –1.89 (–90.43) .78

Prenatal admission

HCS 1423.57 (1184.78) 1166.62 (1013.25-1407.54) 1336.40 (670.99) 1172.61 (950.68-1450.04) –87.17 (–6.52) .73

RIZIV 798.47 (596.93) 663.30 (600.25-786.59) 783.44 (372.81) 714.96 (501.09-922.33) –15.03 (–1.92) .63

Patients 625.10 (606.57) 497.67 (394.29-617.61) 552.96 (372.50) 477.88 (324.57-663.41) –72.14 (–13.05) .41


HCS 209.22 (141.86) 168.73 (155.71-206.18) 213.32 (67.09) 204.65 (168.99-233.79) 4.10 (1.92) .02

RIZIV 122.60 (92.02) 106.03 (99.61-111.77) 121.76 (20.77) 114.81 (108.02-130.01) –0.84 (–0.69) <.001

Patients 86.61 (68.81) 63.71 (47.69-97.87) 91.56 (20.77) 79.13 (55.67-108.43) 4.95 (5.41) .14
Maternal and neonatal care


HCS 1157.66 (469.34) 1298.10 (670.34-1329.38) 1076.61 (485.14) 998.94 (670.34-1298.10) –81.05 (–7.53) .15

RIZIV 700.48 (186.41) 670.34 (370.34-685.98) 712.87 (196.03) 670.34 (663.34-755.66) 12.39 (1.74) .79

Patients 457.17 (344.53) 627.76 (0.00-643.40) 363.73 (404.17) 424.11 (0.00-628.86) –93.44 (–25.69) .15

Neonatal care

HCS 989.66 (3020.22) 146.32 (102.67-374.19) 1872.92 (5058.31) 290.78 (147.69-625.23) 883.26 (47.16) <.001

RIZIV 872.97 (2761.64) 98.48 (85.49-279.14) 1684.86 (4702.20) 230.45 (104.81-519.38) 811.89 (48.19) <.001

Patients 116.69 (263.74) 48.22 (13.01-95.05) 188.06 (413.95) 61.68 (23.69-120.19) 71.37 (37.95) .10


HCS 26.63 (11.83) 25.73 (25.73-25.73) 63.19 (158.23) 25.73 (25.73-25.73) 36.56 (57.86) .04

RIZIV 26.14 (19.86) 25.73 (21.10-25.73) 63.19 (158.23) 25.73 (25.73-25.73) 37.05 (58.63) <.001

Patients 0.49 (20.99) 0.00 (0.00-0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 25.73 (25.73-25.73) –0.49 (–0.77) .01
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure