Increased autophagy but no change in growth of S135F mutant cells. A) The S135F mutation does not affect cell proliferation. B) Representative Western blot showing a mildly increased LC3B signal in S135F compared with WT-transfected HT-22 cells. C) There is an ∼1.3-fold increase in autophagy in S135F Hsp27, as indicated by the LC3B-II signal by immunoblotting (n = 6). D) Quantification of confocal images reveals an increase in autophagy, as indicated by LC3B:Hsp27 colocalization (n = 22, 23). E) Quantification of intensity of LC3B staining as a measure of autophagy reveals increased autophagy in S135F (n = 12, 19). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.