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. 2018 Apr 7;8(4):e020796. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020796

Table 1.

Details of studies contributing data to IPD meta-analysis

PI Setting N Events Dates Inclusion Primary outcome
Studies with data available
 EQUIPP30 31 Professor AS 5 UK centres 452 14 2010–2012 22–35 weeks with symptoms of preterm labour Delivery <34 weeks gestation
 EUFIS*32 Professor BM 10 European hospitals 452 48 2012–2014 24–34 weeks with preterm contractions and intact membranes Delivery within 7 days of test
 APOSTEL I*33 van Baaren 10 Dutch hospitals 528 70 2009–2012 24–34 weeks with preterm contractions and intact membranes Days to delivery truncated at 7 days
Dr AK London teaching hospital 86 2 2012–2014 24–34 weeks with symptoms of preterm labour
Singletons only
Delivery within 7 days of test
Dr ALD 2 UK centres 262 5 2009–2010 22–35 weeks with symptoms of preterm labour Delivery within 7 days of test
Total 5 studies 1783 139
Studies where data may be available in future
 STOP study
Professor M Elovitz USA teaching hospital 700 NK 2011–2015 22–34 weeks Symptomatic women with singleton pregnancy Delivery before 37 weeks

*Study unpublished at time of search in April 2014; manuscript now published.

APOSTEL 1, Alleviation of Pregnancy Outcome by Suspending of Tocolysis in Early Labour; EQUIPP, Evaluation of Fetal Fibronectin with a novel bedside Quantitative Instrument for the Prediction of Preterm birth; EUFIS, European Fibronectin Study; IPD, individual participant data; NK, not known; PI, principal investigator; QFCAPS, Quantitative fetalfibronectin, Cervical length and ActimPartus for the prediction of Preterm birth in Symptomatic women; STOP, Screening to Obviate Preterm Birth; UCLH/WHIT, Univesity College London Hospital/Whittington Hospital Study.