Correlations of CD68, CD21, CD3, CD20 and CD117 immunohistochemical staining between paired synovial tissue (ST) and colonic mucosa (CM) biopsies of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in disease remission/low disease activity with onset of peripheral arthritis under tumour necrosis factor inhibitor (TNF-i) and clinical response to different treatment changes. (A, D) CD68 (red)/CD21 (brown); (B, E) CD3 (red)/CD20 (brown) staining and (C, F) CD117 (red) staining of CM and ST paired biopsies from patient with IBD with onset of arthritis under TNF-i (magnification 20×). (G) Frequency rate of eosinophils, plasma cells, neutrophils and gut follicles presence in the lamina propria of the CM based on the synovitis pattern; *p<0.05: gut follicles frequency in the lamina propria of CM of patients with IBD with follicular (F) versus diffuse (D) synovitis. (H) frequency of CD68+, CD21+, CD3+, CD20+ and CD117+ cells in the lamina propria of CM based on the synovitis pattern; *p<0.05 comparing patients with IBD with F versus D synovitis. (I) Disease Activity Score (DAS) in patients with IBD in disease remission/low disease activity with onset of peripheral arthritis under TNF-i after conventional-disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) addition, TNF-i swap or switch. Data are reported as mean±SD. Dotted red line indicates reference for DAS<1.6. T0: study entry; T2, 4, 6: 2, 4 or 6 months follow-up.