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. 2018 Apr 4;5:2382120518761875. doi: 10.1177/2382120518761875

Table 1.

Summary of selected ongoing/recent US-based D&I training programs.

Program name Goal(s) Trainees Length Components Outcomes Funding source(s) Citation
Ongoing programs
Colorado Research in Implementation Science Program (CRISP) D&I workshop To bring D&I training to local investigators Investigators affiliated with CRISP and Colorado
Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI), most with doctoral level training and limited D&I experience; University faculty (73%), research staff (8%), graduate students/fellows (15%), practicing health care providers (15%), other (13%); Trainee degrees included
36% MD, 38% PhD/DrPH, 35% MPH/MSPH/MS, 23% other
1.5-day workshop 1. Day 1: Introduction to D&I, strategies, evaluation and measurement, RE-AIM framework
2. Day 2: In-depth feedback on D&I proposals/projects, submission of short concept paper on D&I research, practice, or project management, group discussion
1. High overall satisfaction ratings
2. Increase in self-reported knowledge
3. Suggested areas of improvement included continued seminars and feedback
4. One-third of 6-month postworkshop evaluations reported:
(a) A D&I scientific paper
(b) A D&I grant proposal
(c) New D&I collaborations
AHRQ, NIH/ NCATS Colorado CTSI; VA Morrato et al44 (
Implementation Research Institute (IRI; 1. To train implementation researchers
2. Production of scholarly implementation products (papers, books, and curriculum models)
10-11 PhD or MD research fellows per year, ranging from 1-year postterminal degree to full professor
Fellow disciplines for 2010-2012 included psychology (61%), social work (13%), medicine (10%), psychiatry (6%), epidemiology (3%), and anthropology (6%)
Two annual week-long trainings with ongoing mentoring 1 Annual 5-day institute
2. Site visits
3. Mentoring monthly/bimonthly
4. Pilot research
5. Attendance at implementation science conference
6. Evaluations by fellows and faculty
1. Overall program satisfaction very high
2. Fellows from first 3 cohorts (n = 31) have received 52 funded awards
3. Average 7.64 publications submitted and/or published per fellow
NIMH (R25); VA Stamatakis et al,49 Proctor et al47
Mentored Training for Dissemination and Implementation Research in Cancer (MT-DIRC; 1. To focus on training for D&I research in cancer prevention and control
2. To develop and refine a set of core D&I competencies
3. To develop and refine a model curriculum specific to D&I research on cancer disparities
Postdoctoral fellows in the early stages of their careers, as well as mid-career scholars with an interest in D&I in the field of cancer Two annual week-long trainings 1. One-week on-site training at Washington University in St. Louis
2. Monthly, long-distance, mentoring to help craft a competitive research proposal
3. Networking with other fellows and faculty to produce scholarly products
4. Pilot project funding
Several publications, presentations, and funded grant proposals, and the development and refinement of core competencies
Social network analysis of patterns of mentoring and collaboration among IRI participants, modeling of the relationship between mentoring and subsequent collaboration
NCI (R25) Padek et al,46 Luke et al50
Prevention and Control of Cancer: Post-Doctoral Training in Implementation Science (PRACCTIS; US citizens or permanent residents with recent doctoral degrees (MD, DO, PhD, etc) from a range of disciplines 2- or 3-year full-time postdoctoral program 1. Take specialized courses in implementation science
2. Complete optional Master of Science in Clinical Investigation
3. Receive team mentorship from faculty and site partners
4. Join research teams, gather data, publish manuscripts,
5. Participate in mock NIH grant review sessions and draw on career planning and placement resources
Not reported National Cancer Institute
UCSF Program in Implementation Science ( 1. To design and implement effective interventions
2. To design comprehensive evaluations of interventions
3. To develop better grant proposals
Broad range of professionals engaged in D&I A concentration track in a 2-year full-time master’s degree in clinical research or a 1-year part-time certificate program ( 1. Translating Evidence into Practice Theory and Design
2. Translating Practice into Evidence: Community-Engaged Research
3. Translating Evidence Into Practice: Individual-Centered Implementation Strategies
4. Program Evaluation in Clinical and Public Health Settings
5. Translating Evidence Into Practice: System-Centered Implementation Strategies
6. Translating Evidence Into Policy: Framing Research to Influence Policy
Not reported UCSF Gonzales et al42
Training in Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health 2016 (TIDIRH 2016; To encourage institutional interest in D&I by having participants share training methods with their home institutions Junior or senior investigators with doctoral degree who have not previously received funding for D&I-related research
Researchers in fields of medicine, behavioral medicine, nursing, medical anthropology, health economics, public health, or health policy
Three-month online course and a 2-day in-person workshop 1. Theory, implementation, and evaluation
2. Creating partnerships and multidisciplinary research teams
3. Research methods, design, and analysis
4. Clinical, community, and policy interventions
Recent programs
11 different programs in North America Synthesis of multiple D&I research training programs NA Not reported Review of existing programs Lessons learned in mental health practice NIH (NCI, NIDDK, NCATS) Chambers et al41
Developing a field-based approach to D&I research training To address key gaps and opportunities in D&I research training NIH staff and 10 researchers Not reported NIH meeting addressing the overarching issue of developing
D&I research training
1. Expert opinion on training
2. Identified resources and gaps
NIH Proctor et al51
Implementation Research Workshop To advance implementation research in respiratory, sleep, and critical care medicine Researchers from diverse disciplines (n = 24)
15 MD (61%)
One day Expert opinion on and experiences with barriers and facilitators to implementation Recommendations for implementation were provided, but no assessment of the workshop American Thoracic Society; NHLBI Bender et al40
Training in Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (TIDIRH) 1. To increase submission rate and quality of D&I grant applications and publications
2. To encourage institutional interest in D&I by having participants share training methods with their home institutions
35 investigators (new and experienced) with no prior major research funding Trainee disciplines include psychology (34%), medicine (17%), epidemiology (14%), health behavior/education (11%), other (24%) Five-day training 1. Introduction, overview, design
2. Design and measurement
3. Intervention and methods
4. Scale-up
5. Evidence
1. Very high ratings of agenda relevance, appropriateness of teaching strategies, and confidence in applying skills
2. At 6-month follow-up, 72% of trainees had initiated a new D&I grant application
3. 28% of trainees received funding for a new D&I grant
4. 97% of trainees reported using TIDIRH skills/knowledge to influence thinking of colleagues
5. 33% participated in post-TIDIRH online networking platform; 67% participated in post-TIDIRH conference call
NIH (OBSSR, NCI, NIMH); VA Meissner et al43
UAB School of Public Health D&I in Health Course To complement and expand on existing D&I training programs Current graduate public health students and academic researchers (24 students and 19 faculty total); faculty associated with School of Medicine (44%), School of Nursing (11%), College of Arts/Sciences (5%), School of Dentistry (5%), School of Health Professions (5%), School of Public Health (5%), and other (5%);
Student degrees included bachelor’s (78%), master’s (18%), and medical degree (9%) and were associated with departments of health behavior (91%) and health care organization/policy (4%)
Biweekly 75-minute seminar over Fall semester (2012-2013) 1. Didactic lectures
2. Viewing/listening to online presentations
3. Reviewing pertinent resources
4. Collaborative learning project with mixed student/faculty teams
1. High overall satisfaction ratings
2. Suggested areas of improvement from students included logistics and delaying start of collaborative project to give time to learn general concepts; faculty recommended clearer expectations for collaborative project and opportunity to attend lectures
UAB Norton45

Abbreviations: AHRQ, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; CIHR, Canadian Institutes of Health Research; EBP, evidence-based practice; KT, knowledge translation; NCATS, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences; NHLBI, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; NIDDK, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases; NIH, National Institutes of Health; NIMH, National Institute of Mental Health; OBSSR, Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research; UAB, University of Alabama at Birmingham; UCSF, University of California San Francisco; VA, Department of Veterans Affairs.