Radish root segments cultured in MS and IAA, or
IAA prereacted with AAO and then filter-sterilized and added to
cultures. A, Effect of increasing concentrations of IAA. As the
concentration is increased, tip growth becomes inhibited and lateral
root frequency increases. B, Effects of IAA prereacted with increasing
amounts of AAO. As AAO units are increased, inhibition of tip growth
and lateral root frequency are decreased. C, Representative repetition
of the effect on roots in culture with IAA pretreated with 5 units of
AAO. The original tip region of the root before elongation growth in
culture is marked by the swollen cortical region located proximally
about one-third the distance to the present tip. D, Radish root
segments cultured with 3 μm IAA reacted with 5 units of
AAO previously boiled to denature the protein.