Figure 8.
Gprc5c KO mice exhibit reduced NHE3 activity in the renal PT. A) Basal NHE3 activity was studied fluorometrically by 2 photon imaging using the pH-sensitive dye SNARF-4F. A representative experiment is shown, demonstrating that the NHE3 activity is reduced in Gprc5c KO mice compared with WT. The black arrow indicates the start of Na+ buffer perfusion to initiate sodium-dependent proton exchange to restore pHi. B) NHE3 activity in Gprc5c WT and KO mice (n = 4), measured as the initial rate of change in pHi, measured as ΔpH/min. C) To best control for day-to-day variability in measurements, NHE3 activity was measured from 1 WT and 1 KO mouse on each experimental day, and the data were normalized to the WT mouse from that day’s experiment. Results are means ± sem of 4 independent experiments. *P < 0.05 (1-sample Student’s t test).