Figure 3. TUNEL analysis of Host Cell Apoptosis in Primary GECs Under Different Conditions.
(A) Representative micrographs of TUNEL stained GECs either transfected with His-rNdk [1μg], infected with Wild-type (WT) or ndk-deficient (ΔNdk) P. gingivalis at MOI 100 for 24 hours and/or treated with pro-apoptotic agent, Staurosporine (STP) [1μM] for 3 hours. Negative controls for non-target siRNA, siHSP27 and the protein transfection reagent only were comparable to untreated (not shown). The assays were repeated at least in three separate experiments. 20x images were taken on Zeiss Axio Imager 1; Bar 10μm. (B) Cell counts of cells undergoing cell-death represented as percent TUNEL-red positive cells. n>100; *p<0.05 and **p<0.001; mean +/ SD.