Fig. 2.
Learning deficits of munc18+/− mice in Intellicage reversal task assay. (A) Picture of the Intellicage setup and illustration of the place learning and reversal paradigm. (B) Error rates of six-month-old munc18-1+/− (n=7) and WT (n=7) animals during the place learning task in the Intellicage (calculated as [100*(number of incorrect visits/total number of visits)]. (C) Bar graph depicts the munc18-1+/− animals’ performance during the reversal task in the Intellicage with an error rate (82.9 ± 8.1%, n=7) significantly worse than WT (56 ± 11.8%, n=7), (p<0.05, 1-tailed t-test). Results are shown as Mean ± S.E.M.