Figure 6.
Absolute numbers of B-cell and B-cell subsets before (circles) and 2 weeks after (triangles) a first tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis booster vaccination in Dutch adults 25–29 years of age. Gating of populations (all SSClow): B-cell: CD45+CD19+; translational: CD45+CD27−CD38+; plasmablast: CD45+CD27+CD38+; naïve mature: CD45+CD27−IgD+CD38dim; natural effector: CD45+CD27+IgD+CD38dim; CD27− memory: CD45+CD27−IgD−CD38dim; CD27+ memory: CD45+CD27+IgD−CD38dim. Note, black solid line represents the geometric mean numbers with corresponding 95% confidence intervals, *p-value <0.05.