The run time is given for Nphot = 1.28 · 106 Monte Carlo trials, which is our principal operating point in the paper. for the sample with t=6.10 mm and λ = 805 nm. The number of processors used is Nproc. The notation “Fwd” means that only the forward problem is solved (i.e., the ARS is found for one set of parameters) “Inv” refers to the inverse problem (i.e., solving for a set of parameters). The number of iterations is quoted as the number necessary to reach convergence. The number of times the 1.28 · 106 Monte Carlo trials were performed in the final iteration is reported as Neval. In the case of PSO, this number of evaluations is performed at every iteration. In the present methods, the number of Monte Carlo trials increases from 2 · 104 to the final value by doubling at each iteration. The times refer to runs on a Dell Optiplex 9010 AIO computer with an Intel i5-3570S quad-core processor running at 3.10 GHz. The present explicit grid method is estimated because it was implemented in a scripting language on a different computer.