Fig. 1.
The list of changed genes in metastatic renal cancer tissues from 67 patients vs. 53 primary renal cancer tissues from the patients. a The heatmap of differentially expressed genes identified in metastatic renal cancer compared with primary renal cancer. The decreased and increased genes are indicated by different intensities of green and red, respectively. RUNX3 and TGF-β were the top 2 down-regulated genes. b The expressions of RUNX3 and TGF-β in metastatic renal cancer compared with the primary renal cancer were examined by immuno-histochemical staining with 20X magnification. c The expression of RUNX3 and TGF-β in metastatic renal cancer compared with the primary renal cancer was examined by Western blot. Relative expression values represent mean ± SD from three independent experiments. Quantitation by densitometry is also shown. **p < 0.01