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. 2018 Apr 10;2(7):807–816. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2017015164

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Patients and cohorts. A total of 133 patients with assessment of TMTV at diagnosis were included. They were treated at Dijon University Hospital (n = 61; green rectangle) or at Henri Mondor University Hospital in Créteil (n = 72). A plasma sample was available for cfDNA extraction for all the patients treated at the Dijon hospital (n = 61; green rectangle). A DNA sample extracted from a peripheral blood sample at diagnosis was available for 72 patients treated at the hospital in Creteil and for 19 patients treated at the Dijon hospital (n = 91; blue rectangle). Out of these 91 samples, 68 (54 + 14) were bcl2-JH informative (75%). Two groups of patients were therefore analyzed; the first included 61 patients with cfDNA and TMTV, and the second group included 68 patients with interpretable peripheral blood and TMTV.