Figure 1. Distribution of IQ Measures in BP4–BP5 16p11.2 Duplication and Deletion Carriers and Intrafamilial Noncarrier Control Individuals.
A–C, Box plots. Bold line indicates median; circles, outliers; dot inside the box, mean; top of each box, the 75th percentile (Q3); bottom of each box, 25th percentile (Q1); upper end of the error bar, the highest observed data value within the span from Q3 to Q3 + 1.5 times the interquartile range (IQR) (calculated as Q3 – Q1); the lower end, the lowest observed data value within the span from Q1 to Q1 – 1.5 times the IQR; shading, intellectual disability range (IQ ≤ 70); and dotted line, population mean (IQ = 100). The numbers below the graphs represent the number of duplication and deletion carriers in each group. D and E, Density plots. Increased variance is seen in the duplication group with a significant excess of low- and high-functioning duplication carriers compared with the deletion group, which was ascertained with the same method. The Full-Scale IQ (FSIQ) of probands with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is significantly lower in duplication compared with deletion carriers.
a P < .05.
b P < .1.