Loss of Clathrin and Dynamin from the PMs of XVE»AUXILIN-LIKE1 Line.
(A) and (B) Following AUXILIN-LIKE1 overexpression, CLC2-GFP signals were absent from the PMs of RAM epidermis cells (A) and normal CLC2-GFP endocytic foci could not be observed in hypocotyl epidermis by VAEM (B). The endosomal clathrin populations were retained in both tissues.
(C) to (E) DRP1C-GFP PM signals were markedly reduced in RAM epidermis (C), and the density of DRP1C-positive PM foci was reduced in the hypocotyl epidermis (D). The remaining DRP1C-positive PM foci had exceptionally long lifetimes in the majority of observed cells (E).
Graphs in (A) and (C) show average ± sd percentage of roots with strong PM signals from the fluorescent markers. Graph in (D) shows collated measurements from three repetitions of the experiment. All experiments in this figure were performed after 16 to 24 h of XVE»AUXILIN-LIKE1 induction.