Figure 3.
ARF8.4 Expression Rescues the Short-Stamen Phenotype of arf8-7 Flowers by Inducing Cell Elongation and Causes an Increase in Wild-Type Stamen Length.
(A) Wild-type, arf8-7, ARF8.4ox-arf8 (8.4ox-arf8), ARF8.2ox-arf8 (8.2ox-arf8), and ARF8.1ox-arf8 (8.1ox-arf8) flowers at stage 14, showing a reduced stamen length in arf8-7 and estradiol-treated ARF8.1ox-arf8 flowers, a normal stamen length in ARF8.4ox-arf8 flowers, and a slight increase in stamen length, compared with arf8-7, in ARF8.2ox-arf8 flowers. Asterisks indicate a significant difference from the wild-type value: **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001. Means ± se were obtained from flowers isolated from nine independent plants for each genotype.
(B) Comparative analysis by qRT-PCR of ARF8.1+ARF8.2 and ARF8.4 transcript levels in mock- and estradiol-treated arf8-7 inflorescences expressing ARF8.1 and ARF8.2 or ARF8.4. ARF8.1+ARF8.2 or ARF8.4 cDNA levels are relative to actin cDNA. Values are means ± se of nine data points obtained from three biological replicates that were each analyzed in triplicate. Biological replicates were obtained by pooling mock-treated or estradiol-treated inflorescences isolated from five independently grown plants for each genotype. Asterisks indicate a significant difference from the control value (-est): **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001. est, estradiol.
(C) Epidermal cell length in the middle region of wild-type, arf8-7, ARF8.4ox-arf8 (8.4ox-arf8), ARF8.2ox-arf8 (8.2ox-arf8), and ARF8.1ox-arf8 (8.1ox-arf8) stamens from estradiol-treated flowers at stage 14. A reduced cell length (outlined in red) is visible in arf8-7 and estradiol-treated ARF8.1ox-arf8 stamens and an increased cell length is visible in ARF8.4ox-arf8 stamens in comparison to wild-type stamens. A slight increase in cell length, compared with arf8-7, is visible in ARF8.2ox-arf8 stamens from estradiol-treated flowers. Bars = 40 μm.
(D) Stamen length (percentage relative to the wild type) in mock- and estradiol-treated ARF8.1ox (8.1ox), ARF8.2ox (8.2ox), and ARF8.4ox (8.4ox) flowers at stage 14. Means ± se were obtained from wild-type stamens and stamens isolated from mock-treated or estradiol-treated inflorescences of five independent plants for each genotype. Asterisk indicates a significant difference from the control value (-est): *P < 0.05.