Figure 2.
Sensitization of knee-joint sensory fibers by MSU-evoked inflammation. (A) Sample recordings of nerve impulse activity produced by a single fiber innervating the knee joint, before (upper panel) and after (middle panel) intra-articular amorphous MSU injection. Impulse activity is displayed as instantaneous frequency (dots, top) and as the original nerve impulse records (spikes, bottom). The lower panel depicts the sequence of nonnoxious (OR and IR) and noxious (NOR and NIR) knee-joint rotations. (B) Mean value of the total number of movement-evoked impulses (OR + NOR + IR + NIR) measured before and after intra-articular injection of amorphous MSU (black symbols, n = 5), MSU needle crystals (blue symbols, n = 8), or PBS (green symbols, n = 7). Values are expressed as percentage of the average control response (mean of the 6 movements, before injection, indicated by the arrows). (C) Mean values of movement-evoked impulse activity in joints injected with PBS (green columns), needle MSU (blue columns), or amorphous MSU (black columns). The first column (control) shows the mean value of the 6 consecutive movements preceding intra-articular injections; the remaining columns show the mean value of impulse discharges evoked by 12 consecutive movements measured 1, 2, and 3 hours after intra-articular injection of PBS or MSU. Paired and unpaired t test, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. IR, inward rotation; MSU, monosodium urate; NIR, noxious inward rotation; NOR, noxious outward rotation; OR, outward rotation; PBS, phosphate buffered saline.