Table 1. Kendall’s rank correlation coefficient between accessory cusp expression and relative intercusp distance.
Sample size for each pairwise comparison in parentheses. Significant values (at P < 0.05) bolded. Blank cells indicate that the feature was invariably absent/present or that samples did not have enough grades of expression for statistical analysis. AUS, Australopithecus; PAR, Paranthropus; HOM, Homo; HSr, recent H. Sapiens; PAN, Pan; GOR, Gorilla; PON, Pongo.
Taxon | HYP | UMC5 | CC | LMC5 | LMC6 | LMC6D | LMC7 |
AUS | — | 0.21 (35) | −0.31* (24) | — | 0.39* (48) | 0.29 (13) | 0.26 (19) |
PAR | — | 0.22* (39) | −0.09 (24) | — | 0.37* (46) | 0.38* (38) | — |
HOM | −0.24* (94) | −0.03 (113) | −0.01 (79) | 0.55* (144) | 0.36* (127) | 0.17 (29) | 0.14 (39) |
HSr | −0.23* (48) | 0.07 (49) | 0.14 (35) | 0.56* (104) | 0.39* (67) | — | — |
PAN | — | −0.02 (49) | 0.09 (35) | — | 0.28* (69) | — | −0.04 (46) |
GOR | — | 0.51* (16) | −0.16 (11) | — | — | — | — |
PON | — | −0.26 (16) | 0.13 (14) | — | 0.33* (29) | — | — |
*Adherence to PCM predictions (only significant results considered).