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. 2018 Apr 11;143(4):2001–2012. doi: 10.1121/1.5027817


ADV thresholds of PFP droplets reported in the literature using acoustical and optical means.

Reference Technique Excitation frequency (MHz) Threshold (MPa) Tube/medium inside the tube/outside the tube Detection mode/transducer/scanner frequency Diameter of droplets (μm)/coating
Kripfgans et al., 2000b Acoustic/ADV 1.5 4.78 Dialysis tubing /saline solution/water at 37 °C Active scanner 10 MHz 90% < 6/albumin
3 1.5
4 1
5.5 0.8
6 0.7
7.6 0.7
1.5 5.49 Zerdine tissue coating on tube at 37 °C
1.5 5.42 Inside tube- blood solution at 37 °C
1.5 6.21 Blood solution inside the tube/zerdine tissue coating on tube at 37 °C
Kripfgans et al., 2002b Acoustic/ADV 2 3 Dialysis tubing /saline solution/water at 37 °C Active scanner 10 MHz 90% < 6/albumin
5 1.5
7.5 1.5
10 1
Kripfgans et al., 2004 Optical/ ADV 3 3.9–2.2 Polyethylene tube/saline sol/water at 37 °C 5-27 /albumin
4 6.2–3.8
Lo et al., 2007 Acoustic/ADV 1.44 5.5 Dialysis tube/saline sol/water at 37 °C Active scanner 10 MHz < 6/albumin
Fabiilli et al., 2009 Acoustic/ADV 3.5 4.2–2.4 Dialysis tube/DI water/water at 37 °C Active scanner 10 MHz 1–5/albumin
Acoustic/IC 5.9–5.2 Hydrophone
Li et al., 2014a Optical 7.5 3.6 Dialysis tube/ DI water/water at 37 °C 18/albumin
Giesecke and Hynynen, 2003 Acoustic/IC 0.74 0.7 Angioplasty balloon/polyethylene PBS sol/water at 37 °C Passive 0.74 MHz 1.4–2/albumin
1.1 1
2.18 1.25
3.3 1.75
Schad and Hynynen, 2010 Acoustic/ADV 1.736 3.8–0.5 Angioplasty balloon/polyethylene PBS sol/water at 37 °C Active 5 MHz 2–8.5/lipid
2.855 3.9–1
Acoustic/IC 1.736 4.2–3.6 Passive 1.1 MHz
2.855 5.2–4.8
Porter and Zhang, 2008 Acoustic/ADV 2 4 Dialysis tube/ PBS sol/water at 37 °C Active 7.5 MHz 0.193/albumin
Zhang and Porter, 2009 Acoustic/ADV 2 8.5 Acrylic frame/albumin-acrylamide gel/water at 37 °C Passive/Broadband transducer, 5 MHz high-pass filter 0.193/albumin
Sheeran et al., 2011b Optical 5 3.91 Cellulose tube/DI water 37 °C 1–13/lipid
Reznik et al., 2011 Acoustic/ADV 7.5 1.5–2.2 Polyethylene tube/DI water/DI water at 28–42 °C Active1.75 MHz 0.4/fluorinated surfactant
Williams et al., 2013 Acoustic/ADV 5 10 Polyacrylamide (PA) gel/water at 21 °C Scanner 40 MHz 0.22/fluorinated surfactant
10 8
15 6
Reznik et al., 2014 Optical 5 3.5 Opticell/water/water at 37 °C 1–10/fluorinated surfactant
Kawabata et al., 2005 Acoustic/ADV 3.4 10 W/cm2 (pressure value not provided) Tygon tube/ water/water at 30 °C model EUP-L53S diagnostic probe 0.17/lipid
Mercado et al., 2016 Acoustic 2 3.7,3.3,3 Polyvinyl chloride tubing/PBS at 37 °C Scanner (5 MHz) 2,3.5,9.75/albumin
Li et al., 2014b Optical/ ADV 7.5 3.6 Degassed DI water/37 °C 18/albumin
Vlaisavljevich et al., 2015 Acoustic/optical/IC 0.345 10.8 Agarose tissue phantoms/DI water at 37 °C Custom-built histrotripsy transducer 177.9/polymer
0.5 10.3
1.5 12.9
3 14.7