Emotional states reported following different types of feedback, by group: a) Mean ratings (± standard error) of “sad and rejected” increased following rejection and decreased following acceptance in participants with MDD; b) mean ratings of “happy and accepted” decreased following rejection and increased following acceptance in participants with MDD; c) Participants with MDD had a significantly greater desire for social interaction following acceptance; d) Participants with MDD had significantly increased self-esteem following acceptance. All four state measures had a significant effect of group, and a significant interaction between group and feedback type. HCs had an increase in “sad and rejected” (P = .028) following rejection, and an increase in self-esteem (P = .028) and “happy and accepted” (P = .024) following acceptance that did not survive correction for multiple comparisons (corrected P = .0125). ^P<.05, *P<.0125, **P<.01, ***P<.001