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. 2018 Apr 11;6:70. doi: 10.1186/s40168-018-0451-2

Table 1.

Fecal samples’ demographic, clinical, and technical details

Cohort Factor Control CRC P value Sample collection Sequencing platform
Cohort C1 (American, 2016) Sample size 52 48 NA Prior to surgery and treatment Sequencing Platform: Illumina Hiseq 2000/2500; Sequencing Target Depth: 5GB; read length: 100 bp
Age 61.23(11.03) 60.96(13.56) 0.913
Gender Male:37; Female:15 Male:35; Female:13 1
BMI 25.35(4.27) 24.90(4.29) 0.601
Cohort C2 (Austrian, 2014) Sample size 63 46 NA Not available
Age 67.1(6.37) 67.1(10.91) 0.999
Gender Male:37; Female:26 Male:28; Female:18 0.978
BMI 27.57(3.78) 26.50(3.53) 0.132
Cohort C3 (Chinese, 2015) Sample size 92 73 NA No antibiotics and no invasive medical intervention for 3 months; no vegetarian diet; no history of cancer or inflammatory disease of intestine
Age 58.51(7.55) 65.90(10.61) < 0.0001
Gender Male:51; Female:41 Male:47; Female:26 0.316
BMI 23.87(3.31) 24.07(3.18) 0.697
Cohort C4 (German and French, 2014) Sample size 64 88 NA No previous colon or rectal surgery, colorectal cancer, inflammatory, or infectious injuries of the intestine; no need for need for emergency colonoscopy
Age 58.75(12.96) 68.44(12.22) 0.007
Gender Male:32; Female:32 Male:53; Female:35 0.276
BMI 24.72(3.19) 25.89(4.29) 0.056