(A) Average percentage choice of alcohol versus food images in the baseline and test block (following negative mood induction). (B–F) Regression slopes relating percentage choice of alcohol versus food images at baseline and test with five continuous between-subjects variables: (B) Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) depression symptoms, (C) the Reasons for Drinking Questionnaire (RFDQ) negative coping subscale, (D) Drinking Motives Questionnaire—Revised (DMQ-R) negative coping subscale, (E) alcohol use disorder AUDIT scores, and (F) the change in subjective sadness from baseline to the postinduction/test average (subjective reactivity). The statistical insets report the interaction between the within-subjects variable block (baseline, test) and the continuous between-subjects variable. Block interacted significantly with depression symptoms (BDI), coping motives (RFDQ and DMQ-R), and subjective reactivity (but not alcohol use disorder), demonstrating greater sensitivity to mood-induced alcohol-seeking in these individuals.