Figure 1.
Effect of KB2115 on body weight gain, liver weight, heart weight, and hepatocyte proliferation. F-344 male rats were treated intraperitoneally (IP) daily for a week with KB2115 (25 and 12.5 μg/100 g b.w.) or T3 (20 μg/100 g b.w.) or vehicle (DMSO 5% in corn oil): (A) body weight, (B) liver weight, (C) liver/body weight ratio, (D) heart weight, and (E) heart/body weight ratio. Labeling index (LI) of hepatocytes from F-344 rats subjected for a week to a daily treatment with (F) IP injections of KB2115 (25 or 12.5 μg/100 g b.w.) or T3 (20 μg/100 g b wt) or (G) intragastric (IG) injections of 12.5 μg/100 g b.w. KB2115. All animals received bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) (1 g/L) in drinking water all throughout the treatment period. LI was expressed as the number of BrdU+ hepatocyte nuclei/100 nuclei. At least 3,000 hepatocyte nuclei per liver were scored. Results were expressed as means ± SE of three to five rats per group. Statistically significant for *p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001.