MD simulations of detergent micelles formed
of (A) 60 sodium docecyl
sulfate (SDS), (B) 98 n-dodecyl β-d-maltoside (DDM), and (C) 65 DPC molecule. In (A), the sulfate group
of SDS is represented by a yellow sphere, in (B) the two glucosides
are shown by blue and turquoise spheres respectively, and in (C) the
choline and phosphate groups are depicted as green and orange spheres,
respectively, while the alky chains are represented as sticks. Atomic
coordinates for SDS, DDM, and DPC micelles have been taken from,83, and http://people.ucalgary.c/~tieleman/download.html, respectively.
Part (D) shows the distribution of the different moieties of DPC as
obtained from MD simulations.84