A) Cross-section of the cylindrical object placed along the flight path of the object. The height and radius of the object are 10 cm and 6 cm respectively. P is an example point in the trajectory of the bat at a distance of 2 m from the center of the object. (
B) Polar plot demonstrating how the error in the measurement of the echo arrival changes a function of the angular position of the bat with respect to the angle between the bat and the horizontal direction. (
C) Accuracy in the estimation of the echo arrival time as a function of the 3D position, along a sphere of 2 m radius, of the bat with respect to the center of the object. (
D) Arrangement used to validate the echo model. Here, the distance of the object from the microphone/speaker is ‘d’ while ‘L’ is the distance used by the echo model due to the point object approximation. This introduces a systematic error of ‘L-d’ in the time of arrival of the echo. The distance of the object from the speaker/microphone was varied and measurements of echo arrival time were made and verified with the echo model
E) Spectrograms of microphone recordings when the object was placed 0.7, 1.2 and 1.8 meters away from the recording microphone. (
F) Box plots (n = 20 for each distance) showing the error in the time estimated by the echo model, computed as 2*(d–L). The echo model estimate of target distance matched the theoretical error bounds (see Materials and methods and
Figure 3—figure supplement 1A, B and C) within an error less than 0.1 milliseconds.