(A–B) Enrichment (Fisher’s exact test) for strong positive (green) or negative (purple) genetic interactions at different distance thresholds between the two mutated positions (A) and between different position types (B). These enrichments were also calculated after filtering out variants with 100 or less reads in any of the replicates input (bottom barplots on both panels), showing that the trends are the same even though the significance is lower with the stringent filter due to the smaller size of the dataset, especially for the trans library. The trans data analyzed here is restricted to amino acid substitutions reachable through single nucleotide changes. n = 17,290 and 14,118 for cis and trans, respectively, when filtering at 10 input reads, and 15,198 and 2,807, respectively, when filtering at 100 input reads. *, FDR < 0.1. **, FDR < 0.01. ***, FDR < 0.001. n.s., non significant.