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. 2018 Apr 12;13(4):e0195377. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0195377

Table 5. Correlation between psychological well-being and demographic measures.

Age Sex Status Grade AU ENV PR SA PL PG PWB
Age 1 .095 -.021 .491** .038 .065 -.058 -.034 .029 .008 .014
Sex .095 1 .000 -.027 -.013 .074 037 .029 .021 -.196** -.011
Status -.021 .000 1 .206** .157** .189** .220** .279** .162** .158** .301**
Grade .491** -.027 .206 1 .224** .163** .148** .157** .248** .254** .309**
AU .038 -.013 .224** .157** 1 .258** .259** .299** . 354** .293** .640**
ENV .065 .074 .163** .189** .258** 1 .232** .271** .324** .384** .658**
PR -.058 .037 220** .148** .259** .232** 1 .242** .317** .147** .579**
SA -.034 .029 .279** .157** .299** .271** .242** 1 .329** .216** .600**
PL .029 .021 .162** .248** .354** .324** .317** .329** 1 .466** .714**
PG .008 -.196** .158** .254** .293** .384** .147** .216** .466** 1 .651**
PWB .014 -.011 .301** .309** .640** .658** .579** .600** .714** .651** 1

** Correlation significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)