(A) Root lengths of wild-type seedlings treated with different AzA concentrations on +Zn for five days. Box and whisker plots were generated using Prism (Graphpad), with the box represents the 25th to 75th percentiles and the whiskers reaching to the lowest and highest values. The line in the box shows the median. (B) Root lengths of 5-day-old Col-0, Sq-1 and azi1 (azi1-1, azi1-2) seedlings treated with 100μM AzA on +Zn or –Zn medium. Letters indicate significantly different values at p <0.05 determined by ANOVA and Tukey HSD. Multi-factorial ANOVA was used to test the impact of Genotype (Col-0, Sq-1 and azi1 (azi1-1, azi1-2)), treatment (+Zn, -Zn, +AzA, -AzA) and their interaction on primary root length. The ANOVA results are presented in the table. Significative codes: ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01.