Fig. 3.
Perpendicular and parallel magnetic field dependence. a Temperature dependence of longitudinal resistance of trilayer (3L) TaS2 in the presence of an applied magnetic field H⊥ in the out-of-plane direction. b Magnetic field dependence of the TaS2 resistance for a field H|| applied in an in-plane direction, for a few constant temperatures as indicated. The field value at which the resistance transitions to a zero-resistance state at a fixed temperature is equivalent to the transition temperature Tc of the superconducting state for a fixed field. c Temperature dependence of the bilayer (2L) NbSe2 sample for a few perpendicular fields. d In-plane field dependence of the same NbSe2 sample for a range of constant temperatures. e Temperature dependence of the upper critical field Hc2 of both samples as extracted from the 50% normal state resistances from the data shown in a–d