Figure 5. Immunity to schistosomal calpain correlates with resistance and higher surface levels of CD23.
A. Schistosomal calpain can be detected in the bloodstream of subjects with schistosomiasis (middle panel). B. Calpain can be detected in E/S products (left panel) and in somatic antigens from mechanically-processed schistosomula (right panel). Higher MW calpain in E/S may be due to aggregation of calpain with host or parasite-derived proteins. rSm-p80 is shown in leftmost panel. C. Anti-calpain IgG levels in serum from Kenyan car washers positively correlate with the level of resistance over time (n=23; P=0.04; r=−0.423). D. Anti-calpain IgG levels correlate with the percentage of CD23+ B cells in blood. CD23+ B cells were evaluated in fresh, unprocessed whole blood samples (n=8; P=0.09; r=0.629). E. Anti-calpain IgG levels positively correlate with total levels of sCD23 measured in serum (n=14; P=0.04); r=0.545). F. The ratio of 25–29 kDa sCD23 to 15 kDa sCD23 levels is higher in patients resistant to reinfection with schistosomes (n=13; 95% CI=3.5 to 6.7) compared to more susceptible subjects (n=7; CI=0.66 to 4.7; P=0.05)