Comparative Dll4 expression in intermediate and late-stage embryonic hearts and lungs. (A1-B5) β-gal activity in E12.5 hearts from (A) Dll4lacZ/+ or (B) Dll4-BAC-nlacZ mice. A1-A2 and B1-B2 show representative wholemount hearts from Dll4lacZ/+ and Dll4-BAC-nlacZ mice, respectively, from ventral and dorsal views. A3 and B3 show β-gal activity in a representative cross-section through the heart, which is magnified accordingly in panels A4-A5 and B4-B5. β-gal activity is present within coronary plexus (A1,A2,B1,B2), the endocardium of the distal end (A1,B1) and root of the aorta (A4,B4) and pulmonary artery in both lines, as well as the endocardium and subepicardial vasculature (A5,B5), but absent from the epicardium and myocardium. (C1-D5) β-gal activity in E14.5 hearts from (C) Dll4lacZ/+ or (D) Dll4-BAC-nlacZ mice. C1-C2 and D1-D2 show representative wholemount hearts from Dll4lacZ/+ and Dll4-BAC-nlacZ mice, respectively, from ventral and dorsal views. C3 and D3 show β-gal activity in a representative cross-section through the heart, which is magnified accordingly in panels C4-C5 and D4-D5. β-gal activity is localized to the endocardium of the aorta in both lines (C4,D4), as well as the chamber endocardium (C5,D5), and subepicardial coronary vasculature (C5,D5). β-gal activity was also detected within a small fraction of the myocardium in the BAC reporter line at this stage. (E1-F5) β-gal activity in E18.5 hearts from (E) Dll4lacZ/+ or (F) Dll4-BAC-nlacZ mice. E1-E2 and F1-F2 show representative wholemount hearts from Dll4lacZ/+ and Dll4-BAC-nlacZ mice, respectively, from ventral and dorsal views. E3 and F3 show β-gal activity in a representative cross-section through the heart, which is magnified accordingly in panels E4-E5 and F4-F5. β-gal activity is localized to the endocardium of the aortic root in Dll4lacZ/+ animals, but absent from Dll4-BAC-nlacZ mice (E4,F4), and present in both lines within the chamber endocardium and coronary vasculature (E5,F5), and sparsely in the myocardium. Ao, aorta; ec, endocardium; ep, epicardium; IVS, interventricular septum; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; m, myocardium; PA, pulmonary artery; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle. (G1-H4) β-gal activity in E12.5 lungs from (G) Dll4lacZ/+ or (H) Dll4-BAC-nlacZ mice. G1-G2 and H1-H2 show representative wholemount lungs from Dll4lacZ/+ and Dll4-BAC-nlacZ mice, respectively, from ventral and dorsal views. G3 and H3 are representative cross-sections through the lungs, and boxed in areas are magnified in G4 and H4, revealing activity within the endothelium. (I1-J4) β-gal activity in E14.5 lungs from (I) Dll4lacZ/+ or (J) Dll4-BAC-nlacZ mice. I1-I2 and J1-J2 show representative wholemount lungs from Dll4lacZ/+ and Dll4-BAC-nlacZ mice, respectively, from ventral and dorsal views. I3 and J3 show β-gal activity in a representative cross-section through the lungs, which is magnified accordingly in panels I4 and J4, revealing endothelial-specific activity in both lines. (K1-L4) β-gal activity in E18.5 lungs from (K) Dll4lacZ/+ or (L) Dll4-BAC-nlacZ mice. K1-K2 and L1-L2 show representative wholemount lungs from Dll4lacZ/+ and Dll4-BAC-nlacZ mice, respectively, from ventral and dorsal views. K3 and L3 show β-gal activity in a representative cross-section through the lungs, which is magnified accordingly in panels K4 and L4, demonstrating endothelial-specific activity in both lines. D, dorsal; e, endothelium; L, left; R, right; sm, smooth muscle; V, ventral. Units depicted are in μm.