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. 2018 Apr 12;8(4):e017696. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017696

Table 1.

Characteristics of the countries and of the maternity units assessed

Armenia Georgia Latvia Moldova Uzbekistan
World Bank classification* Lower middle income Upper Middle Income High income Lower middle income Lower middle income
Population (thousands), total† 2969 4358 2060 3514 28 541
GNI per capita, PPP US$† 6990 3280 21 020 3690 1720
Maternal mortality ratio, adjusted† 30 67 34 41 28
Neonatal mortality rate† 10 15 5 9 14
Institutional deliveries as % of total deliveries† 99.4 98.3 NA 99.4 97.3
National introductory workshop on NMCR‡ 2007 2012 2005 2005
First national technical workshop on NMCR‡ 2009 2015 2013 2005 2007
Number of hospital implementing NMCR‡ 3 6 2 13 62
Number of hospital assessed 3 6 2 6 6
Type of hospitals 1 Regional,
2 District
2 Regional,
4 District
1 Regional,
1 District
2 Regional,
4 District
3 Regional,
3 District
Number of births/year in the hospital assessed‡ 6125 8570 8152 13 311 23 309

*Source: The World Bank, Country and Lending Groups (2014). Historical classification. Available from: (accessed 9 March 2017).

†Source: Unicef Country statistics ( (accessed 7 December 2016).

‡Source: WHO mission reports.

GNI, gross national income; NA, not applicable; NMCR, near-miss case review; PPP, per capita.