Photographs showing fructan localization in
T. officinale roots. A, Transverse cryosections of
T. officinale root vascular tissue (magnification,
×22). Light microscopic view of an FAA- (A1) or 11.73 m
ethanol fixed section (A2) and a section as in A2 but photographed
under polarized light (A3). B, Anatomy of a fresh T.
officinale root. Xylem and phloem can be easily separated from
each other. C, Localization of inulin in xylem (C1 and C3) and phloem
(C2 and C4) from the vascular tissue of a T. officinale
root. Transverse cryosections (magnification, ×55). All tissues were
fixed in 11.73 m ethanol for 2 d. Tissue slices 1 and
2 were photographed under a light microscope. Inulin crystals light up
in the lignified metaxylem vessels (C1) and in clusters close to and
surrounding the phloem tissue (C2). Figures C3 and C4 were obtained
using a differential interference contrast microscope. Again, inulin
crystals occupy the edge of the xylem vessels (C3) or appear as
clusters surrounding the phloem (C4). This technique shows the crystals
as striped structures marked by a color depending on the wavelength
used. For all photographs: C, cortex; I, inulin; P, phloemparenchyma;
Ph, phloem; Xy, xylem. All pictures were taken from a flowering
T. officinale root.