a, Representative images of IHC staining for Twist1 and Cdh1 on sections from lungs described in Fig. 4e, in which mice were injected orthotopically with Asns-silenced and -expressing 4T1-T cells. b, Quantification of all Twist1 stainings, described in Fig. 4e and a (n = 5 tumour sections and n > 5 lung metastases, edges of the box are the 25th and 75th percentiles and error bars extend to the values q3 + w(q3 − q1) and q1 − w(q3 − q1), in which w is 1.5 and q1 and q3 are the 25th and 75th percentiles, which is also the case for c–g, rank-sum P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 for Asns-silenced versus -expressing tumours and metastases, respectively). c, Quantification of all Cdh1 stainings, described in b (n = 5 tumour sections and n = 9 lung metastases, rank-sum P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 for Asns-silenced versus -expressing tumours and metastases, respectively). d, Quantification of Twist1-positive regions in the tumours resulting from orthotopic injection of Asns-expressing and -silenced 4T1-T cells into animals treated with PBS or l-asparaginase (n = 5 tumour sections per condition, rank-sum P < 0.01 for Asns-silenced versus -unsilenced cells and rank-sum P < 0.05 for each cell line in treated versus untreated mice). e, Quantification of Cdh1-positive regions in the tumours described in d (n = 5 tumour sections per condition, rank-sum P < 0.01 for Asns-silenced versus -unsilenced cells and rank-sum P < 0.05 for each cell line in treated versus untreated mice). f, Quantification of Twist1- positive regions in tumours resulting from orthotopic injection of Asnsexpressing and -silenced cells into mice fed a 0%, 0.6%, or 4% asparagine diet (n = 5 tumour sections per condition, rank-sum P < 0.01 between Asns-silenced and -expressing cells and between diets). g, Quantification of Cdh1-positive regions in the tumours described in f (n = 5 tumour sections per condition, rank-sum P < 0.01 between Asns-silenced and -expressing cells and between diets).