Figure 2.
A, Example trace (top) and spectrogram (bottom) of membrane voltage fluctuations in pyramidal cells. B, Average power spectra (i) of pyramidal cells and the corresponding fraction of power below 5 Hz (ii). C, Example histogram (i) of intracellular membrane voltage (120-s-long trace) from a pyramidal cell at rest, and the corresponding average standard deviation (ii) and skew coefficient (iii) associated with membrane voltage fluctuations. D, Layer 2/3 pyramidal cells express low spontaneous firing rates under quiet and awake conditions. Example image (i) showing regions of interest used to extract changes in fluorescence (ΔF/F) in CaMKIIa-positive neurons in layer 2/3 somatosensory cortex of mouse (ii, left) and the corresponding spike raster (ii, right) extracted using a deconvolution analysis of changes in fluorescence. Histogram of the distribution of spike rates (iii) from the population of layer 2/3 pyramidal cells that expressed non-zero spike rates.