a, In aging and AD, there is a reduction of the perforant path, hyperactivity in CA3, reduced inhibition of CA3, hypoactivity in the EC, reduced reelin and tau deposition in the LEC, decreased EC thickness, and impaired object versus spatial processing depending on PrC. b, In depression, there is a retraction of the CA3 dendrites, decreased DG neurogenesis and decreased DG/CA3 BOLD activity. In late-life depression, there is altered DG/CA3 activity and LEC hyperactivity. c, In schizophrenia, there is reduced DG and mossy fiber glutamate transmission, as well as increased CA3 and CA1 activity. d, DG neurogenesis increases with exercise, environmental enrichment and SSRI treatment. Antiepileptic treatment in MCI patients reduces CA3 activity and increases the level of LEC activity.