a) Representative immunohistochemistry and (
b) quantification of Mtmr2-positive neurons in cryosections of DRGs obtained from Piezo2
GFP mice (
Woo et al., 2014). 20.37 ± 2.01% of DRG neurons exhibit positive Mtmr2 immunolabel and 24.53 ± 1.21% of DRG neurons were positive for GFP indicating the presence of Piezo2. Among Piezo2-positive cells, 51.61 ± 3.71% cells were found to be Mtmr2-positive. n > 2000 neurons, N = 3 independent animals. (
c) Quantification of the intensity of PLA signal in neurites of cultured DRG neurons (p<0.0001 compared to mock, Mann Whitney test; + mock: n = 94 regions from six coverslips; + Mtmr2-myc: n = 115 regions from six coverslips. (
d) Quantification of PLA signal upon co-expression of Piezo2 with mock, Mtmr2, Vti1b (Vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs homolog 1B) or TRPA1 in HEK293 cells. PLA was performed using antibodies against GST and myc to detect Piezo2-GST-IRES-GFP and myc-tagged proteins, respectively. PLA signal (fraction of PLA-positive area) upon co-transfection of mock, Vti1b and TRPA1 served as negative controls and was indeed much smaller than the PLA signal upon co-transfection of Piezo2 and Mtmr2 (p<0.01, in case of TRPA1 p=0.052 compared to Piezo2 + Mtmr2, Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn´s multiple comparison test; Piezo2-GST + mock: n = 60 cells; Piezo2-GST + Mtmr2-myc: n = 35 cells; Piezo2-GST + Vti1b-myc: n = 54 cells; Piezo2-GST + TRPA1-myc: n = 83 cells). Only cells with pronounced GFP signal (due to expression of Piezo2-GST-IRES-GFP) were considered for the analysis. All experiments were performed in parallel.