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. 2018 Mar 29;51(3):1701794. doi: 10.1183/13993003.01794-2017


Age- and season-adjusted incidence ratio (IR) for first myocardial infarction and first stroke in periods after Streptococcus pneumoniae and respiratory viruses (combined) compared with baseline time

Time period after sample days IR for S. pneumoniae (95% CI) p-value IR for respiratory viruses (95% CI) p-value
Outcome: myocardial infarction#
 1–3 5.98 (2.47–14.4) <0.001 5.59 (1.77–17.6) 0.003
 4–7 3.79 (1.41–10.1) 0.008 3.00 (0.74–12.1) 0.12
 8–14 1.65 (0.53–5.15) 0.38 1.00 (0.14–7.15) 0.99
 15–28 2.04 (0.96–4.31) 0.06 2.12 (0.79–5.70) 0.13
 Baseline 1.00 1.00
Outcome: stroke
 1–3 12.3 (5.48–27.7) <0.001 6.79 (1.67–27.5) 0.007
 4–7 8.23 (3.39–19.9) <0.001 5.43 (1.34–21.9) <0.001
 8–14 4.90 (2.02–11.8) <0.001 5.01 (1.59–15.7) <0.001
 15–28 4.09 (2.02–8.27) <0.001 4.02 (1.62–9.95) <0.001
 Baseline 1.00 1.00

#: n=1227; : n=762.