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. 2017 Dec 4;21(2):171–202. doi: 10.1007/s10567-017-0250-5

Table 6.

Results of the multiple moderator model for curative interventions

Moderator variables β (SE) 95% CI t-statistic
Intercept − 0.029 (0.111) − 0.248, 0.190 − 0.264
Control variables
Official records (vs. other outcome types) 0.273 (0.107)* 0.061, 0.485 2.547
Parenting skills (vs. interventions without parenting skills in intervention content) 0.288 (0.100)** 0.089, 0.486 2.867
Social/emotional support (vs. interventions without support in intervention content) 0.264 (0.155)+ − 0.043, 0.571 1.700
F (df1, df2) 6.180 (3, 131)***
Level 2 Variance 0.130***
Level 3 Variance 0.028

Β estimated regression coefficient, SE standard error, CI confidence interval, F F-statistic (omnibus test), Level 2 variance variance within studies, Level 3 variance variance between studies

*p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001

+ p < .100