Magnitude and kinetics of Ca2+ sparks were modestly affected by FPL 64176 (FPL) or nifedipine (NIF) application. A–D: amplitude, tau, full width at half-maximum, and full duration at half-maximum exposed to DMSO (control, closed circles), 1 µM FPL (open circles), or 1 µM FPL with 10 µM NIF (diamonds) for Ca2+ spark events of arterial myocytes from adult and fetal sheep under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Values are means ± 95% CI. Data were analyzed by a Kruskal-Wallis one-way way ANOVA with Dunn's multiple comparison test. *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001. Control responses were obtained from 55/141/3 AN, 142/167/3 AH, 19/153/3 FN, and 20/119/3 FH sparks, lines, and animals, respectively. FPL responses were obtained from 14/122/3 AN, 110/183/3 AH, 11/158/3 FN, and 5/103/3 FH sparks, lines, and animals, respectively. NIF responses were obtained from 14/133/3 AN, 280/216/3 AH, 16/152/3 FN, and 3/106/3 FH regions of sparks, lines, and animals, respectively.