Table 1.
Models used in this study to assess responses of permafrost dynamics, carbon dynamics, and sensitivity of carbon dynamics to changes in atmospheric CO2, air temperature, and precipitation
Model acronym | Model name | Used to simulate permafrost dynamics | Used to simulate carbon dynamics | Used to evaluate sensitivity of carbon dynamics |
CLM4.5 | Community Land Model, Version 4.5 | Yes | Yes | No |
CoLM | Common Land Model | Yes | No | No |
JULES | Joint UK Land Environmental Simulator | Yes | No | No |
ORCHb | Orchidee Land Model, Version b* | Yes | Yes | Yes |
UVic | University of Victoria Earth System Climate Model | Yes | Yes | Yes |
TEM6 | Terrestrial Ecosystem Model, Version 6 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
SiBCASA | Simple Biosphere/Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach Model | Yes | Yes | No |
GIPLb | Geophysical Institute Permafrost Lab Model, Version b† | Yes | No | No |
ORCHb considers depth of carbon dynamics to 47 m in the soil column, in comparison with 2 m in ORCHa.
GIPLb increases snow density as it accumulates on the ground surface, in comparison with empirical snow warming factors in GIPL.