Schematic representation of proposed parcellation of the OFC based on organization of afferents. There are three major divisions of the OFC arranged medially to laterally. The most medial division, which encompasses the VLO and LO, received major inputs from the mediodorsal thalamus (red), primarily the central segment. The smallest of the divisions, which includes all of AId2, receives inputs from the dopamine neurons in the midbrain A10 cells (blue), particularly those in the posterior DA cell region (A10dc) of the caudal linear, periaqueductal gray, and dorsal raphe regions. The input from the basolateral amygdala primarily targets the lateral OFC (green), including AId1, DI, and GI. Thus, the central dopamine region is flanked by the thalamic and amygdaloid inputs. The assignments of afferents to specific cytoarchitectonic regions of the OFC are not strictly confined to cytoarchitectonic regions or the three OFC domains, but extend to invade adjacent territories to varying degrees. This can be seen most clearly in the case of the central OFC, in which the inputs to the AId2, the boundaries of which are depicted by dotted lines, extend into the medial OFC (LO) and the lateral OFC (AId1).